You have arrived at a legacy page on the Christopher Chocolates Website. As these pages are linked to various other locations we didn’t want to remove them (and are glad you arrived here) That said, these pages are not fully maintained and may have information on them which is no longer accurate. For this reason we ask you to visit the current website here or to confirm anything you require by contacting us directly.
Thank you! - Christopher
Time traveling with Candy...
One of the simplest methods of time travel known is by food and in particular by candy. Using the "Classic Candy Time Travel Method we can jet immediately into a whole different time. A peaceful part of our past when all we were, was wrapped up in the candy-moment.

Classic Chocolate Bars & Treats
We rotate a selection of those favorite candy bars from the good ol' days.
Take a stroll down memory lane with Mr. Goodbar under a beautiful SkyBar, maybe share some Necco Wafers or a Delightfully Rich Bonomo Turkish Taffy.
Credit card orders are welcome.
We accept all major credit cards.